Taking in the title
Underlining the key words in the essay title and thinking about it over a period of days
Formulating the overall purpose of the essay
Gathering together notes for the essay rom various sources within the course
Working out what use you can make of the course material you have been studying
Generating ideas
Getting ideas onto paper; quickly jotting down thoughts, sample sentences, etc.
Capturing your own thoughts on paper
Organising your notes into a simple outline plan
Working out what shape to give to the argument of the essay
First draft
Writing a first draft; 'taking' your reader through your argument
'Speaking' your ideas to your reader, explaining your argument (translating your plan and notes from your own 'private' language into a shared, 'public' language)
Reading over your work in the light of the essay title and correcting errors and omissions
Quality control
Final draft
Writing a final draft, paying attention to legibility, accuracy and general presentation
Presenting a polished end product