- Good readers decide why they're reading before they start to read, and they keep the purposes in mind as they read. They might glance through a text to ascertain its relevance at a particular time, search a text for specific information, grapple with the detail to improve their understanding of the topic.
- Good readers read through a text once in order to get a general idea of its meaning and content. Then they re-read it, take notes, add margin comments or highlight particular sections.
- Good readers pay attention to the structure of a text because it will help them to understand the writer's purpose and argument. They take notice of headings and sub-headings, of opening and closing paragraphs and of other signposts that the writer has provided.
- Good readers ask questions of texts and of themselves then they read.
- Good readers know that reading or study purposes will require them to re-read in order to check their understanding, to reconsider particular points of interest or importance, and to add to their notes.
- Good readers who find a text, or a part of a text, difficult to understand frequently speak the words in their heads or aloud as a way of unravelling the meaning. They also draw sketches or diagrams as a way of getting hold of the meaning.
- Good readers try to understand rather than just to memorise what they read. This effort to understand is itself an aid to memorising.
- Finally, good readers are critical readers. They test the writer's argument against their own previous knowledge and experience.
(adapted from B551, The Manager's Helpfile)