The first step in preparation is to becoming familiar with the Specimen Exam Paper (SEP).
Take it as a reliable guide to the general structure and content of the exam you're about to do.
See it as a reliable guide to the duration of the exam, the number of questions, the number of options and the rules about alternatives, and so on.
Become familiar with it early on.
Keep it in mind as your work through the course.
Look at it from time to time during your course and identify the areas that you have been working on.
Talk about it to other members of your tutorial group. The more you talk about it, the more comfortable you will become with the structure and questions.
Talking about the questions will enable you to identify appropriate content for the answers.
Refer to it and annotate it as your work through different parts of your course.
The more familiar you become with your SEP, the more at ease you'll feel at the prospect of the exam.
More advice
For more advice, see our Revision and Exams Website. For registered students only, this is also available in hard copy from Regional Centres.