Coding Tests
A collection of coding tests that I have completed for various companies.
Bridge - January 2022
- The instructions and the designs
- The demo
- Coding features - ES6, single page application, calculating values dependent on users input, formatting 'number' strings with commas and decimal places, CSS3 animating screens on to and off the viewport.
Precise - June 2021
- The instructions and my attempt to complete them
- Coding features - ES6, use of Spread operator, getting data from JSON file using Await, Async and Fetch, creating DOM content from JSON file, remove duplicates from array using Set, search and filtering content, recursive function, CSS3 animation.
We Are Feel - May 2021
- The demo
- Coding features - ES6, media responsive, switching between Bootstrap grid and Flickity carousel, DOM manipulation, SASS, mixins, catering for retina images.
CPL/FeatureSpace - May 2021
- The instructions
- The demo
- Coding features - ES6, form input with pattern attribute using Reg Exp, API call with Await, Async and Fetch, URL query strings, Jasmine unit testing.
Ceta Insurance - April 2021
- The instructions and my attempt to complete them
- Coding features - AngularJS, creating a table of users from JSON file, use of angular.copy to stop two way binding, ability to select a user which autofills a form, edit data or adding a new user via saving to localStorage.