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Liberate the council

in association with Intel® Centrino®

How will wireless cities enable local authorities to transform public services?

Improved efficiency and flexibility, better public interaction and enhanced street management. Find out more about how Wireless Cities can radically change the way local authorities run their services.


City Council

Safer Communities

Wireless CCTV helps make communities safer. Plus, it's faster and easier to install than traditional fixed CCTV cameras. It can be relocated to problem areas quickly and cheaply to allow wider and more flexible coverage. In addition, police can watch the real-time footage on wireless handheld devices. This capability can create a safer street environment through flexible and responsive CCTV coverage over a wider area, helping to reduce the incidence and fear of crime.

Improved street management

Wireless Cities can help create 'street rangers' who have direct access to the local council's network from the street. They'll be able to access information and address problems immediately, enabling things like faster removal of graffiti, rubbish and fly-posting and more effective traffic management.

Flexible working

The benefits of Wi-Fi technology are significant across and within all departments. With a large proportion of a council's employees working 'in the field' across the city or borough, secure, remote access to the council's network could improve flexibility and efficiency across the organisation.

A connected workforce

With out-of-office access to their usual IT network, council workers can become part of a more productive, seamless workforce, with less time lost travelling back to the office to update systems.